How Do You Apply Pink and Blue Eyeshadow?

Pink and blue eyeshadow is right on trend this season. While this bold pairing might seem hard to pull off, it’s surprisingly wearable and flattering. Whether your eyes are green, hazel, brown, or blue, you can use these shades to create a variety of standout looks.

You might be intimidated by this color combination at first, but with a little experimentation, you can figure out how to make it work for you. It’s perfect for eye-focused looks and can look amazing with graphic eyeliner. If you’re ready to blend pink and blue shadows, keep these application tips in mind.

Choosing the right shades

makeup palette

Blue and pink are colors that anyone can wear, but it’s important to find shades that work for you. If you have a warm skin tone, you should look for shadows with gold or yellow undertones. The best pink shadows will be coral or peach-hued shades, while the best blues will be colors like turquoise, cyan, and sky blue.

For cooler skin tones, it’s best to look for colors with purple undertones. Mauve, magenta, and orchid pink will complement your coloring beautifully, as will shades like indigo, violet, or cobalt blue. Sticking with warmer or cooler shadows will also help to ensure that the colors you pick out work well together.

Use an eye primer

eye primer isolated on white background

When you really want your eyeshadow to pop, it’s always best to wear an eye primer. The right primer will make your shadow look more vibrant and will help to prevent creasing and fallout throughout the day. Primer creates a smooth canvas, helping you to blend out your shadows and apply them evenly.

Use your fingers or a small brush to dab a small amount of primer onto your eyelid. If you plan on wearing eyeshadow beneath your bottom lash line, you should apply primer there as well. If you don’t have any primer on hand, you can use concealer or foundation to prime your eyes instead.

Build up color slowly

woman applying eyeshadow

Bright colors like pink and blue are eye-catching, but if you go overboard and apply too much color, it could overwhelm your eyes. Instead of packing on color, you should apply a small amount of eyeshadow and build the color up until you’ve achieved your desired look. Make sure you tap off any excess powder on your brush so that the color will apply evenly.

Start by stamping the eyeshadow onto your eyelid using a shader brush. This will help you to pack the color onto your lid and will give you more control over the amount of color that you apply. As a general rule, you should use lighter colors on the inner portion of your eyelid and darker colors on the outer corner.

Use setting spray to make your shadow even brighter

woman holding a small bottle of spray

If your eyeshadow isn’t as pigmented as you’d like it to be, try spraying a small amount of setting spray on your makeup brush. Tap the damp brush onto your chosen eyeshadow and stamp it onto your eye. This trick can make any shadow look brighter, and it can also help keep your eyeshadow in place.

Using a setting spray is a fantastic way to create vivid eyeshadow looks, but it’s important to choose the right kind of spray for your eyes. If you have drier eyes, you’ll want to stay away from any sprays that contain alcohol. For oily eyelids, it’s best to use a spray with a matte finish.

Blend the colors together

woman with bright eyeshadow

Once your eyeshadow is in place, it’s time to blend the colors together. Take a clean blending brush and move it back and forth across your eye. Continue to blend your shadows until the edges of your look are softened and diffused. Blend your eyeshadow every time you add a new color to your eye.

When you’re blending the darkest color at the outer corner of your eye, move your brush in a circle, taking the color up to your crease. Keep on blending until the colors fit together seamlessly! After you’ve finished, you can use a damp makeup sponge to get rid of mistakes and clean up your look.

Use mascara and eyeliner to define your eyes

woman putting on mascara

While pink and blue eyeshadow is the star of your look, you should also add eyeliner and mascara to make your eyes look more defined. Classic black products will work with virtually any look, but you can experiment with products in different colors as well. For example, white eyeliner can look fantastic against bright eyeshadows. You can even use blue mascara that matches your eyeshadow!

Before you apply your mascara, use a lash curler to lift and define your eyelashes. Wiggle the mascara wand back and forth so that you can avoid clumping and coat all of your lashes with mascara. Fill in your eyebrows to help define your eyes and add polish to your look.

Keep the rest of your makeup minimal

You want your eyes to be the star of the show, which is why it’s best to keep the rest of your makeup understated. Instead of wearing a bright color on your lips, stick with a pinky nude shade. If you apply blush and bronzer, use sheer products that won’t clash with your eye makeup.

Wearing intense colors like pink and blue will naturally draw people’s attention to your eyes. If the rest of your makeup is muted, there won’t be anything to distract from your eyeshadow. Bright eyeshadow can be hard to pull off, but as long as the rest of your makeup is simple, the vivid colors that you’re wearing won’t be overwhelming.

A colorful eye makeup look can be a great way to express yourself and show off one of your best features. Even if you’re intimidated by blue and pink eyeshadow, don’t be afraid to give this color combination a try. It’s a fun way to add a little bit of drama to your makeup and make your eyes stand out.

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