A Complete Guide: 9 Steps to Do Bat Wing Eyeliner for Hooded Eyes

Bat wing eyeliner is all the rage and perfect for hooded eyes! This dramatic style of eyeliner can make your eyes look bigger, sexier, and more defined. But when is the best time to wear it? And how do you create the perfect bat wing shape for hooded eyes?

In this blog post, we will answer all your questions and give you some tips on how to rock bat wing eyeliner like a pro!

Once you master bat wing eyeliner, it will become your go-to look. Whether you are going to a party, on a date, or out with your friends, bat wing eyeliner will make you stand out from the crowd.

Bat Winged Eyeliner Is Perfect for Adding a Little Drama

Whether you’re going out on the town or going about your day, bat wing eyeliner can add big glam energy to your vibe and enhance your eye shape. Bat wing eyeliner is the ultimate wing tip eyeliner. It’s also great if you love a classic cat-eye but have hooded eyes. The bat wing will give you the drama and intensity of a cat-eye, without making your eyes look small.

When to Rock Bat Wings

Bat wing liner is perfect for any night look. If you’re going out to dinner, a bar, or a club, bat wing liner will give you that va-va-voom look. It’s also an amazing look for parties. You’ll be catching everyone’s attention with your bat wing liner!

When to Opt for a Different Look

Since bat wing liner is so eye-catching, there are occasions when you want to save the bat wings for another time. For example, if you’re attending a wedding, the bride should be the center of attention. So consider other eye shapes for your makeup to not grab attention away from the bride.

Another time you should not wear bat wing liner is at religious services and events. You can still wear makeup and look your best, but bat wing liner is a little too flashy for church or temple.

If you’re not sure whether bat wing liner is appropriate, it’s usually better to err on the side of caution and go for a more classic look.

How to Master Bat Wing Eyeliner Makeup

There are many ways to do bat wing eyeliner, but here is our favorite method. Make sure you are starting off with a clean face and clean tools.

What You’ll Need for This Hooded Eye Eyeliner Tutorial

A makeup artist is nothing without their tools, and bat wing eyeliner is no exception. Here are the items you will need to create the perfect bat wing look:

  1. Eyeshadow primer
  2. Setting powder
  3. Angled shadow brush
  4. Liquid eyeliner
  5. Mascara

How to Achieve the Perfect Angled Bat Wing Silhouette

Achieving the perfect bat wing eyeliner can be surprisingly simple.

1) Prime your eyelids

Use eyeshadow primer (or long-wear concealer if you don’t have primer) all over your lids to create a smooth canvas for the eyeliner. Make sure to extend the primer beyond the outer corners of your eyes as well.

2) Set primer with powder

Using a brush, apply setting powder on top of the primer all over your lids. This will help to keep the primer in place and make sure your bat wing eyeliner lasts all night. Next is the fun part, applying the eyeliner!

3) Draw an angled point with eyeshadow to guide you

Using an angled eyeshadow brush with dark eyeshadow, follow the angle starting from your bottom lid and extending past the outer corner of your eye. This will give you a guide to follow when you start drawing on your bat wing eyeliner.

4) Use liquid liner to begin your outer wing

Using the angled eyeshadow line as a guide, draw a line with liquid liner extending from the outer corner of your eye flicking out to your upper eyebrow. Look straight ahead with both eyes open for best results.

5) Line your lash line

Now use your liquid liner to line the upper lash line. Start from the inner corner and work your way out. Keep the liner thinner toward the inner corner and slightly thicker as you move outward.

6) Make the bat wing point

Now the fun part. Starting at the top of the wing, draw a line toward your eye crease, forming a triangular point. Then, working from the bottom of the wing, draw a slightly rounded line up toward the crease to meet the point of the triangle.

7) Fill in your wing

Now fill in your bat wing point with your liquid liner. This is the step that adds the most drama! Pretty cool, right?

8) Repeat and refine

Repeat this process on the other eye until you have a bat wing that closely matches the other side. Using cotton swabs and makeup remover, refine the wings on either side so that they look the same. Don’t worry if they aren’t exactly identical–you are probably the only one that will notice.

9) Add mascara

You’ll want mile-long lashes with your bat wing eyeliner, so add a couple coats of mascara to the top and bottom lashes. Mascara is a crucial step that adds extra drama to the look, so don’t skip it!

And that’s it! You’re bat wing eyeliner is complete. Now go out and show off your fabulousness!

Have Patience and Practice

If you don’t get it right the first time (or even the fifth time), that’s okay! It takes practice to perfect any makeup look, especially one as dramatic as bat wing eyeliner. Be patient and keep practicing until you get the look just right. It’ll be worth it when you finally nail that perfect cat eye!

Now that you know how to do bat wing eyeliner, where do you plan to wear it next? Do you have any tips for bat wing eyeliner for hooded eyes? Let us know in the comments below!

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