Can You Use Hair Bonding Glue for Eyelashes? | Ultimate Guide

If you’re unhappy with the length and thickness of your natural eyelashes, the chances are you’ve looked into obtaining eyelash extensions. Eyelash extensions have become extremely popular because they’re an affordable way to immediately and significantly enhance your beauty while boosting self-esteem in the process. Since you’re obviously new to eyelash extensions, you are probably not aware of the do’s and don’t’s of attaching fake eyelashes. You might wonder if you can use hair bonding glue for eyelashes and more. To address your curiosity, here is an ultimate guide, so your experience with false eyelashes can go as positively as possible.

Choosing the Right False Eyelashes

set of false eyelashes

Before choosing the right adhesive that you’ll need to attach your lash extensions, you need to choose the right eyelashes. There are numerous types of eyelashes, and you can’t go to a beauty supply store and simply select the first one that you come across. You will need to choose the eyelash extensions based on several things: the specific look you’re trying to achieve, the direction in which your natural eyelashes grow, and your budget. If you choose the wrong eyelash extensions for your type of natural lashes, then you will likely end up with a look that is very undesirable. Take your time to find out what’s available and what would work best for you.

Purchasing All the Correct Eyelash Tools

eyelash extension tools

The amount of tools that you need to purchase in order to apply your own eyelash extensions might seem quite overwhelming at first, but you need everything in order to ensure your eyelashes are applied (and removed) properly. Here is a list of some of the tools that you will need to apply your false eyelashes. There are plenty of other tools that you can buy, but it’s up to you to decide what additional tools you are okay with purchasing. You should be able to find everything that you need for a relatively cheap price. Once you’ve made the initial investment, you don’t have to worry about buying everything again in the future, but of course, some things will eventually run out and require replacing.

  • Tweezers (various types)
  • Eyelash adhesives (you can’t attach your false eyelashes with this)
  • Disposable eyelash brushes
  • Primer (to prepare the area to accept the glue)
  • Eyelash glue removal
  • Eye pads
  • Eyelash extensions (the number one item needed)

Choosing the Right Eyelash Adhesive

lashmaker tools

Choosing the right eyelash adhesive is very important, because the wrong glue could cause a host of problems for you. You could end up with eyelash extensions that won’t remain attached, allergic reactions leading to swelling, itching and redness of the eyes, and a great deal more. The first thing to remember when choosing the right adhesive for attaching your eyelashes is to always make sure you’re purchasing a glue that is specifically for eyelashes. No other type of glue is appropriate, and hair bonding glue is for the hair on your head, not your eyelashes.

Some people have successfully used hair bonding glue to attach their eyelashes, but it’s not recommended for several reasons. The biggest reason is the fact that hair bonding glue will more securely bond your fake lashes to your real ones. This can lead to the loss of your natural lashes. Be sure to read the labels closely so you will be sure you are buying the right product.

Another thing that you need to ensure when purchasing eyelash glue is that all eyelash glue isn’t created equally, so for the best results, you should choose a brand that is for sensitive skin. Even if you don’t normally suffer from sensitive skin, some eyelash glues contain chemicals that can be harm to the skin, and even people who don’t normally break out from beauty products could have a reaction.

Applying the Adhesive in the Proper Amount

banner master of artificial eyelashes forms bundle in drop glue using tweezers

Once you’ve purchased all your supplies and you’re ready to start applying your eyelash extensions, be sure that you’re using the precise amount needed, because too little could cause your lashes to fail to adhere or fall off when you least expect. On the other hand, if you use too much glue, you could run into other problems that you don’t want to have to contend with. When too much glue is used, it can lead to clumping, which can cause your eyelash extensions to look sloppy and downright amateurish. You will also have a mess that you must clean up, and it can be quite challenging to remove clumps of dried glue from your eyelashes.

If you’re not sure how much glue is needed, then perhaps you should search the internet for one or more of the many free tutorials available. You can watch others professionally applying eyelash extensions, and not only can you learn exactly how much glue to use, but you can also learn other important application tips, as well.

Consequences of Using the Wrong Glue For Eyelashes

woman with an eyelash loss extension

If you don’t choose the proper glue and you end up using Gorilla or super glue, you could run into some major problems. Not only could your natural lashes end up falling (or being pulled) out, but you could suffer from rashes, irritation, skin burns, and more. When it comes to your health and beauty, there is no room for taking shortcuts and improvising in the wrong manner, as it could possibly be dangerous in the end. Don’t cause yourself to require a visit to the emergency room because you used the wrong products.


Applying your own eyelash extensions can seem like a challenging and overwhelming task, especially when you’re doing it for the first time. However, once you’ve done it a few times, you’re likely to become more confident in your abilities. As long as you choose the right products, including the right adhesive, then chances are you will have a positive experience and end up with the glamorous look that you seek.

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